
So here is Belinda.

Belinda - cloth doll by raggleberry
Belinda - cloth doll by raggleberry
Belinda - cloth doll by raggleberry









She is my second attempt and was made for my granddaughter.

This is still more or less an exact copy from Jan Horrox’s book.  I can’t strees enough how valuble this book has been to me.  It gave me the inspiration to begin making dolls and the clear instructions have been my starting point for the adaptations to the dolls I am now making.

By now I had spent too much money buying fabrics, thread, pens, needles ( I didn’t know there were such things as doll needles!), wool: the list is endless.

Hopefully you can see that my second attempt is an improvement on the first and this leads me to a bit of advice for anyone starting out.  Always take a photo of any piece of craft work you make or better still keep hold of the first attempt however bad you might think it is.  On days when the knitting, sewing, cutting, pasting, stuffing etc isn’t going to plan you can look back and remind yourself how far you have come.

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