
I got into this cloth doll making thing by accident really.  For reasons that I can’t now remember, a few months ago, I decided I wanted to make rag dolls.

Now my idea of a rag doll was something like this by The Dollie Mixtures.

Rag Doll by The Dollie Mixtures

So off I went to trawl Amazon to find a book to get me started.  I found several books about traditional rag dolls but also saw Jan Horrox’s book – Introduction to Making Cloth Dolls.

Introduction to Making Cloth Dolls

The dolls in this book weren’t like any others I had seen and I thought they were amazing.

I bought the book and following Jan’s instructions to the letter made my first doll – Anastasia- from fabrics I already had lying around.  She’s a bit pale because I only had ivory cotton and her face isn’t very distinct as I had no decent pens but I’d proved to myself that I could make a decent stab at it.

Anastasia by raggleberry

2 thoughts on “Anastasia

  1. Mercedes D'Antona

    She is beautiful. I am in the same boat, just got the book and will embark on creating Anastasia. I am very excited. Thank you!

  2. Pingback: A Surprise Request | raggleberry

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